About the sculpture of Our Lady Rosary of Fatima

About the sculpture of Our Lady Rosary of Fatima

About the sculpture of Our Lady Rosary of Fatima

The sculpture of Our Lady of Fatima, by José Ferreira Thedim (1892-1971), created in 1920 to worship in the Chapel of the Apparitions. It is a piece of round shape, with 1037mm height, carved in cedar wood from Brazil, with polychrome application, gilding and carnation by Casa Teixeira Fânzeres, Braga.

It is in good condition and is well documented, from the year it was designed to nowadays. This sculpture is one of the most important symbols of Catholicism, attracting to Fátima's Sanctuary millions of pilgrims per year, including the most important dignitaries of the Church, as are the Popes.

Single piece, it is considered to be "seeded" of countless sculptures scattered throughout the world and it was recently rated as one of the most finished specimens of the seventeenth century aesthetic sculpture in interpretation of the canons saintsulpicianos that the eighteenth century devotional sculpture released.

The author, one of the most prestigious saint sculptors of the religious imagery workshops of the early twentieth century, the result of a dynasty of outstanding craftsmen, is represented in several museums and has work spreaded all around the Catholic world (churches, cathedrals, chapels, shrines, etc.).

Offer of a devotee of Torres Novas, Gilberto Fernandes dos Santos, the sculpture was blessed in the Parish Church of Fatima (4 kilometers from the Sanctuary, where the little shepherd of Fatima were baptized), on 13th May of 1920, and enthroned in the Apparitions’ Chapel on 13th June of 1920.

On 13th May of 1946, was solemnly crowned by Cardinal Papal Legate Masela with the crown offered by the portuguese women in 1942, which, in 1989, was embedded the bullet that hit Pope John Paul II in the attack he suffered on 13th May of 1981.
Sanctuary of Fatima / Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (press offices)

fonte: Oficial Website of the Santuary of Fatima


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    Dez 26, 2019

    alegro-me muito pela imagem da santíssima virgem do rosário de fátima haver sido entalhada em madeira de cedro brasileiro,pois sou-lhe fervente devoto e alegrei-me por tão sublime mãe da igreja e mãe do céu ,ter em sua imagem a madeira tão nobre do nosso querido brasil,o que certamente faz a minha alegria e a alegria de todos os brasileiros portugueses e devotos da virgem mãe pelo mundo inteiro!!!

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    Fred Gutzke
    Mai 20, 2021

    Madonna 105 cm. Shipped from Portugal to Germany. All was the best. Very good package. She Loks very pretty ******

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